Players Guide

The Stable

Each Player can have any number of Characters at Darkwood Nights which are managed through the Odoo Player App, called the Character Stable. However a Player may only check in and play 1 Character per event. There are a few occurrences that require a Player to play a Character other than the one they checked in. These are;


The Character sheet is where you record your character's abilities, called Statistics. There are four types of Statistics; Abilities, Attributes, Pools, and Weaknesses. All of these Statistics are recorded on your character sheet and you have access to all them throughout play. 

Abilities: Abilities are granted by Faction or Subfaction rules and Attributes. They do not usually have a rating but provide mechanics that are unique to that Faction or Subfaction. Some Abilities behave like Powers, however Abilities are not Powers so cannot be added to Charms or Relics, stolen with Power Theft, or given with Give Power.

Attributes: Attributes provide powers or mechanics but are not granted to all members of a Faction. They typically have a Dot Rating of 1-4, but some go higher. Each Dot Rating provides a power or mechanic and details the costs for using it. Some Dot Ratings provide more than one power, usually when a group of powers are themed together in canon. Skills, Disciplines, Pillars and Dominions are all examples of Attributes.

Specialities: These are a special kind of Attribute that has prerequisites that must be met before they are purchased. While they may have a Dot Rating they do not need to be purchased in any order and are always purchased individually. Rotes, Devotions and Merits are Specialities.

Pools: Pools always have a Dot Rating, usually 1-10 but sometimes more. Pools provide points that are used, lost, and replenished throughout the game. Unless stated otherwise a character begins the game with as many points as their Pool Rating. For example a character with 6 dots of Willpower Pool will start a game with 6 Willpower Points.

Weaknesses: Weaknesses are given by a Faction, Subfaction or by an Attribute. They do not have ratings, instead they modify, or add, mechanics for the character. For example, Vampire’s Sunlight weakness means they take Aggravated Damage while in Sunlight.

Universal Statistics : All characters at Darkwood Nights share a common set of Statistics that Factions add to. These are:


More Details about the app and character tools can be found HERE

How to Create / Submit a Character in Odoo online:

*Note: XP and Kismet are not required to draft characters. There is no limit to the number of new (draft) characters a player can have. But in order to submit a character, you must have at least as much XP and Kismet as it will cost to create that character and is a requirement to have them approved. Once approved the XP and Kismet (if any) used for the build will be spent. 

Odoo Bug Report - This app is still in development, if you encounter a problem or need to report a bug please let us know in the Discord Server

Starting Equipment 

After you have your character’s attributes sorted out you will need to determine their starting equipment. Generally characters will be able to purchase 4 to 5 items at Character Creation. Each character has 13 Resources to create their starting equipment from the list below:

Example: Rynard is purchasing starting equipment for their new character. They have 13 tags to purchase their equipment with. They have Melee 2 and want a sword and shield so spend a total of 7 Resources on a medium weapon and a shield. Next they want some protection and so spend 3 Resources on soft armor for their gambison. Since they’ve spent 10 tags and are done purchasing equipment they choose to get 3 to Iron tags for 3 Resources to trade or sell in game.

Crafting at Character Creation: Characters with a skill that allows for item crafting may use their Resources to purchase Commodities that they then craft into items. They are still limited to the number of items they can craft in a single game, however the creation costs are cheaper overall. See Comprehensive Rules Doc or Economy & Items Guide for Item Crafting rules.

Coin: Finally all characters start the game with 3 Pfennig, the coin commonly used in the 900’s.


 Skills represent the mundane abilities of your character, their training, profession, and hobbies. Skills are an Attribute and ranked 1-4. The first rank of a skill requires teaching, purchasing subsequent dots does not.  For example, to buy Smithing 1 you need to find a character with Smithing to teach you you already have Smithing 1 you can simply purchase Smithing 2 with XP. 

Alchemy: Is one of the profession skills and grants the ability to craft Alchemical Potions and Poisons with ingredient tags. In general only Supernatural Factions can take Alchemy, however Humans can gain access to the skill through the Merit, Alchemical Prodigy.

Dot Powers

  1 Craft 1 Dot Alchemical Items for 1 Alchemical Ingredient

  2 Craft 2 Dot Alchemical Items for 1 Alchemical Ingredient

  3 Craft 3 Dot Alchemical Items for 2 Alchemical Ingredients

  4 Craft 4 Dot Alchemical Items for 2 Alchemical Ingredients

Apothecary: Is one of the profession skills and grants the ability to craft Apothecary Potions and Poisons with ingredient tags.

Dot Powers

  1 Craft 1 Dot Alchemical Items for 1 Apothic Ingredient

  2 Craft 2 Dot Alchemical Items for 1 Apothic Ingredient

  3 Craft 3 Dot Alchemical Items for 2 Apothic Ingredients

  4 Craft 4 Dot Alchemical Items for 2 Apothic Ingredients

Archery: Grants the ability to use bows.

Dot Powers

  1 May use a bow, damage calls are equal to 1 + Augment

  2 Augment 1 with bows

  3 Cost: 1 Willpower Point - Immobilize with Archery

  4 Add Sunder to Archery attack calls

Brawl: Enhances the use of natural weapons, such as fists, claws, or shadow weapons. 

Dot Powers

  1 May use Stagger 3 times per 10 minutes with Natural Weapon Damage Calls

  2 Cost: 1 Willpower Point - Disarm

  3 Augment +1 when attacking with Natural Weapons

  4 May parry Melee Weapons with Fist Boffers, Gain Resist Status 1 per 10 minutes

Crafting: A second profession skill that grants the ability to make Soft Armor, Bows, Arrows, Shields, Stakes and Rope which are purchased at check in. 

Dot Powers

  1 Can purchase up to 3 items at Check In.

  2 Can purchase up to 4 items at Check In

  3 Can purchase 5 items at Check In.

  4 Can purchase up to 6 items or two Iron/Silver/Gold Arrow Batches at Check In. 

Dodge: Dodge grants the character uses of the Perfect Dodge. Effectively this skill grants 1-4 uses of the Perfect Dodge power every combat encounter.

Dot Powers

 1-4 Use Perfect Dodge equal to Dodge Skill Rating times per 10 minutes

Escape Artist: Allows the character to remove bindings they are restrained with. 

Dot Powers

  1 Cost: Spend 4 minutes working out of the binding - Escape Binding

  2 Cost: Spend 2 minutes working out of the binding - Escape Binding

  3 Cost: Spend 1 minutes working out of the binding - Escape Binding

  4 Cost: Spend 30 seconds working out of the binding - Escape Binding

Fortune Telling: Fortune Telling is used by mystics, priests, and doctors to restore or remove Willpower Points from their subjects. While this power can only be used on the same character once per day the user can use this power a number of times per hour equal to their dots in Fortune Telling. 

Dot Powers

 1-4 Use Fortune Telling a equal to Fortune Telling Rating times per Hour

 4 Cost: 1 Willpower - Sense Will

Intimidation: Pure and simply this skill is the ability to overtly get people to do what you want. This can be through force of personality, physical threats or negotiation and grants the user the ability to use the Command power for free a number of times per Game equal to this Skill’s rating.

Dot Powers

 1-4 Use Command (touch) equal to your Intimidation Rank per game.

Literacy: Every Character at Darkwood Nights has base literacy and so can read and write in English. You may choose to have your character be illiterate (unable to read or write). When taking Dots 1, 3 or 4 in this skill you may choose from the following languages: Gothic, Latin, Greek, Carpathian, Coptic, Hebrew, French, Nordic, Saxon, Spanish, Aramiac, Persian, Arabic, Slavonic, Anglian. Special: To write in a language other than English the player writes in big capital letters at the top of the document what language it is written in.

Dot Powers

  1 Can read and write an additional language

  2 Can read and write Latin or Greek (Choose 1)

  3 Can read and write an additional language

  4 Can read and write an additional language

Esoterica: To take Esoterica you must also have Literacy 2. At Character Generation only Supernatural Factions (Fae, Mage, or Vampire) may take this skill. After Character Generation any Character may learn this skill, however each language must be taught individually. 

Each time you learn a dot in Esoterica you may choose a language from the following list: Akkadian, Sumerian, Phoenician, Cuneiform, Hieroglyphic, Sanskrit, Hellenic, Luwian, Hittite, Elamite, Enochian, or Abyssal. You may spend 30 minutes copying a document in that language to another language you know through Literacy, or English. Alternatively you may select the same language a second time, and doing so does not need a teacher, if you do you can read and write that language as if you knew it with Literacy.

Dot Powers

  1 Choose a language from the list above

  2 Choose a second language from the list above, OR choose the same language again.

  3 Choose a second language from the list above, OR choose the same language again.

  4 Choose a second language from the list above, OR choose the same language again.

Lock Picking: This Skill allows characters to open locks without a key, given time. Once the lock is picked, place the prop next to the thing (door, chest, or whatever) it was attached to but keep the tag on the lock.

Dot Powers

  1 Cost: Spend 4 minutes roleplaying picking a lock - open the lock

  2 Cost: Spend 2 minutes roleplaying picking a lock - open the lock

  3 Cost: Spend 1 minute roleplaying picking a lock - open the lock

  4 Cost: Spend 30 seconds roleplaying picking a lock - open the lock

Medicine: Medicine is a character's skill in healing. At 1 and 3 dots additional powers are gained.

Dot Powers

  1      First Aid: Spend 1 Minute roleplaying healing an incapacitated or dying character. They are then healed to one total Health Point if they have less, otherwise this ends the incapacitated or dying state.

  1   Sense Life: Spend 1 Minute of roleplay examining the Target

 1-4    Medicine: Spend 1 minute roleplaying applying bandages or otherwise healing a wounded character

Target is then Immune to healing from the Medicine skill for 1 hour.

Melee: Is a character’s training with melee weapons such as swords, spears, clubs and axes. 

Dot Powers

  1 May wield a single single Melee Weapon

  2 May wield 2 Melee Weapons, a single weapon and shield, or a shield on its own

  3 Augment +1 when attacking with Melee Weapons

  4 Cost: 1 Willpower Point - Disarm

Smithing: Is the third profession skill and grants the ability to make Melee Weapons, Rigid Armor, Thrown Weapons, Locks, Keys, and Shackles, purchased at check in. Each item has different costs and as the Smith increases their skill the time it takes to make items decreases, allowing them to make more between games. This skill also is key to maintaining rigid armor each day so it can be used. 

Dot Powers

  1 Can purchase up to 3 items at Check In.

  2 Can purchase up to 4 items at Check In.

  3 Can purchase 5 items at Check In.

  4 Can purchase up to 6 items or two Iron/Silver/Gold Melee Weapons at Check In. 

Stealth: Stealth is how well your character can distract the attention of onlookers. It grants the character uses of the Distract power equal to their dot rating in Stealth per hour.

Dot Powers

 1-4 Use Distract up to your Stealth Rating per Hour.

Trade: Is the final profession skill and encompasses all non crafting professions. When you purchase Trade you choose between the following: Forager, Eccentric, Miner, Hunter, Logger, Cutter, or Burner. 

Your choice determines what Commodities you receive as well as how you obtain them. Different game effects may impact how many Commodity tags are generated from Trade each game, however the minimum you will always be able to collect is equal to this skill’s dot rating. Each specialization acts as follows: 

Dot Powers

 1-4 Gain Commodities at check-in

A quick note on the Profession skills, Alchemy, Smithing and Trade. While it is possible for a character to possess all three skills they can only benefit from one per Check In. This means if a character has Alchemy 3 and Trade: Forager 2 they can choose to purchase Potions/Poisons OR gain Apothic Ingredient tags at each check in, not both. These skills represent your characters work time between games and they only have so much time in a day


Players accumulate Experience Points (XP) that they can spend on any of their Characters by attending games of Darkwood Nights. XP is tracked at the Player level and does not need to be spent on the character played during the game it was earned. 

All Attributes and Pools listed on the same line, or a subsection, of the XP Chart below are a single Attribute Type. The number is how much XP is spent to raise that Attribute by 1 dot. No single Attribute Type may be raised by more than one dot each game, however Characters not played at past games may raise Attributes for the games they missed.

For example, let's say I was playing a Fae. The Fae’s Mists and Weaving Pools are part of the same Attribute Type and cost 3xp to increase (As shown on its listing, “Mists Pool/Weaving Pool: 3xp”). My Fae hasn’t been played for 4 games and I have 20xp. I can choose to purchase 4 dots between my Mists and Weaving, choosing to increase my Weaving by 3 and my Mists by 1 and spending 12 of my 20xp.

Attribute and Pool XP Costs:


Some Attributes either require teaching or are cheaper to purchase if they are taught. To teach another character an Attribute the teacher must have that Attribute on their Character Sheet at, or above, the level to be taught. The teacher then spends at least 30 minutes roleplaying instructing the student In Game on how to use/learn the Attribute. Some Attributes will have additional requirements for the teacher or student as detailed in their Faction rules. 

After the Student will enter into the App what they were taught by filling out the Teaching Form, which will require the student to know the name of the Player and Character who taught them and the Attribute taught. This will then send a confirmation message to the Teacher through the Player App and, once they confirm, the teaching will be recorded. Any number of Attributes may be recorded as being taught.